Wednesday, October 27, 2021

M.M. Kin Video Game Review - Final Fantasy IV

I played the original SNES version in English (branded as FFII back then) when I was a teenager, and enjoyed it. The first three games in the FF series all had unique features, and flaws, as if the series was still trying to find/feel its way. FFIV was actually the very first of the original FF series I ever played, and having played the first 3 games since, I can say that FFIV has a more solid story and gameplay compared to its precedessors.

Instead of switching around jobs like in FFIII, each character in FFIV has a job and certain skills, and that doesn't change, though I don't think that's a bad thing for this installment. The story is solid, though like FFI, III, and V, there are four elemental crystals the characters need to locate/save. Kinda repetitive, but eh, whatever.

The characters have backstories/histories, which make them feel more real compared to the generic characters from FFI and III, and FFIV is the best in the series, thus far. At least in my opinion. The story of the villians, and who the real bad guy is, is also decent, and so is the dialogue... there's some funny lines mixed in with the serious/story dialogue. You also get to travel to the Moon, so whee!

Like all the other remakes so far, bonus dungeons and additional items/weapons are introduced, making a good game even better. Not only that, but the characters you previously lost in the SNES version (Cid, the twins, Yang, Edward) return as playable characters, which definitely made me very happy, LOL. All in all, I would say that though the previous games were decent (especially with their remakes) this is the first installment in the series which really, truly feels very FF-like.


FF4 (SNES version) B

FF4 (Nintendo Gameboy Advance remake) A-

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